Dan Larsen
Here’s the post-morten. Problem: The after-market lights I installed caused the wiring harness and power distribution box to get overheat, melt wire insulation and cause some kind of overload/short to the system. Attached are photos. About 2 years ago, I installed 3 pair of Rigid Industries LED lights in the front bumper slots on both sides. I believe I wired them correctly to the factory auxiliary switches according to Ford’s wiring diagram and Rigid Industries installation instructions. They worked fine for 2 years, no problems. The night before problem, I used the lights constantly for about 2 hours. The factory auxiliary wires were about 20 gauge, the Rigid about 12 gau ge. Cost: about $2,000 for a new wiring harness, power box and labor. Lesson: Use a relay even when wiring aftermarket lights into the factory auxiliary switches.