You sure are full of yourself aren't you.
Where in any of my comments do I state or imply the nonsense you are posting that I am saying???
And you talk about me??? Look into the mirror my friend!!!
You haven't corrected me anywhere on this forum.
Have I made some mistakes, yes, I'm not perfect and I'm certainly not an expert like you think you are.
And I have no problems admitting that I was wrong.
I'm not even going to foul mouth you, I don't need to go that route.
You shine all by yourself with your ridiculous rederick posts.
Keep pounding that keyboard with your rederick, I always love to laugh.
I'm sure others are laughing too at the shit show you turned this thread into with your redericks.
If you had a clue and actually did some research you would find out what the differences are between batteries.
There is more to it than just having a high cca.
The Raptor loves to eat up batteries, which is quite evident from all the posts on this forum dating back to 2010.
Then add lights, winch, stereo and accessories or even let it sit without starting for more than three to four weeks.
Unfortunately the Gen 1 doesn't have a sleep mode like the Gen 2.
So letting a Gen 1 sit for weeks at a time will quickly compromise the integrity of a battery.
This is where the Odessey shines, it has both deep cycling capability and massive starting power.
Where as with others you have to choice between the two.
But you would know this already with your vast knowledge of everything.
You should understand the need for a good battery and not just one that will work for less money.
Or are just going to stick to "I know everything and you're stupid" mentality.
Oh and BTW your NAPA battery for $139.99 isn't even a AGM
I'll just leave it at that, I was going to say something nasty but I didn't want to stoop down to your level.
Do some research before posting!!!!
You have a wonderful day, OK