While OPs explanation was a bit off, that doesn’t look like a big enough load to damage the springs regardless. I pull a bigger SxS on a larger trailer with no damage to the springs. I’ve even pulled it with 4 passengers plus a weekends worth of luggage.
It started off and I think I cleared it up and more than happy to answer any questions.
Really. I have nothing to hide or be ashamed of. I'm here to learn from you guys and hopefully contribute back to the community.
Until I can get the tongue weight weighed or provide a photo that illustrates that , visually, there really isn't enough weight to do the damage that is on the car now. The wheel well sag would illustrate that.
Plus I really don't have more than 2,000 trailered miles - over the total mileage of 25,000 miles.
And if 2,000 miles of a light weight buggy caused this - well then the stock leaves are just abhorrent IMO/IME.
I trailered the same buggy/trailer on my Nissan Patrol for about 10,000 miles and the rear suspension remained spot on till I got rid of it at 290,000 miles.
Yeah yeah, coil over vs leaf - but still.