Yea, maybe they should have used metal brackets, which are susceptible to corrosion and would shatter the glass in the event of a mechanical obstruction.View attachment 325778 yeah it certainly wouldnt be fair to compare it to other products ive owned, including another pano roof. The ford roof beginning to fail within one year of ownership (with regular use) then continuing to be a PITA for the next year and a half, is normal bc the roof is massive and heavy, got it. Brackets, guides, etc being made out of plastic for a heavy roof, clearly a great design intended to last the test of time. The fact that the internet is littered with threads and horror stories about these panoramic roofs across ford models must certainly mean my points are baseless. Being a ford tech must also mean you couldnt have any bias here.
I’ve owned 4 Ford vehicles with pano roofs, including an F-150, and never had a problem. For those that do, there is a TSB to resolve it. Not sure what else you’re looking for other than to complain.