I stopped by my local dealership to compare my current Ram against the regular F150 and the Raptor in terms of form factor/size.
I couldn't get the same angled shots with the regular F150 as I could with the Raptor. I did notice one thing - the seats in the regular F150 sit a lot lower than what I'm used to in my Ram. It felt more car-like, which I really didn’t like. The F150 that I originally was looking at had an MSRP of ~$62k. The Raptor that I was looking at had an MSRP of ~$67k. Only $5k difference. Granted I could probably negotiate a better deal on the F150 than I could on the Raptor, but I'm honestly liking the Raptor more. I have a ton of off-road trails near me, so the Raptor would definitely be getting used for what it's designed for. I appreciate everyone's comments and feedback. I think I know what I want to do.