Added weight compensation in stiffer springs and dampners is great info. Also, consider the additional wear and tear on the front hubs, bearings, brakes, etc. due to the additional weight.
I have an old F250 SD and originally bought it with the added weight of a Road Armor addition in mind. It's held up great and can take on various mammals. The bigger front bearings, hubs, etc. all help the added front load.
Now, with an F150 based vehicle, front weight isn't liked as much due to lighter components in general, ignoring the extra soft fronts our Raptors have. Plus, it's already a nose heavy vehicle, so vehicle dynamics are already suffering (bumps/jumps, turns, etc.).
Perhaps get a good Rogue, SVC, ADD (or others) built bumper with the added skid plating rigidity, and more solid tubing on the front, versus standard bumper. It'll keep from adding too much weight, not look like something out of Road Warrier (Mel Gibson), but keep most components from getting too mangled better than a stock bumper.
Just some food for thought.