We go to Colorado almost every year from KS, usually the Estes area as it’s fairly close and I have a cousin in Denver. We went to the San Juan’s last June and it was absolutely worth the extra drive time. We did Last Dollar into Telluride on the way in from Denver, it was a nice warmup for what was to come. Next day we drove up to Bridal Veil falls and up until it turns into the one way. That was a tight turnaround at the top. We also drove up to Alta Lakes that afternoon. Day 3 we drove to Silverton over Ophir Pass and then drove to Lake City over Engineer and back over Cinnamon. That was a long day, more so because my wife was pregnant. I am planning to get back there this year and spend some time camping on the loop.
You won’t regret the extra drive time.
Last Dollar
Animas Forks
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You won’t regret the extra drive time.
Last Dollar
Animas Forks
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