I'm a bit confused. The tech wrote that they removed the shift motor and were unable to manually shift the transfer case, which would lead me to think something was stuck inside. Now, I know some dealers back then were having issue getting parts, etc, not sure if they gave you that option of a rebuild or not. Regardless, I would always prefer a new part over a rebuilt one myself. Not taking the dealers side here, but just pointing out the obvious, unless I read something wrong, which wouldn't be the first time, lol. Nice letter too, way too nice for my style, ha ha.
I drove the truck into the dealership in 2WD. They removed the shift motor and tried to manually shift the transfer case. They succeeded - in a way. They got it into 4HI and then couldn't shift it back to 2WD, so I left the dealership in 4HI and was told to keep the speed under 50mph until the transfer case could be replaced. I was NOT given the option of a rebuild. The service invoice says that a replacement was necessary, and it says it twice.
Ah, about my letter. This is the only Ford dealership within 180 miles. There are three others, but they are all over 250 miles away. I've had nothing but good experiences with this dealership's service department in the past in service encounters on my truck and my wife's car. So I'm treating this as a curiosity and only implying in the most oblique way that it might have been an oops. If I am to get anything beneficial from this encounter, I must engage with the service manager in a positive way. I think of this as a cheap experiment. No matter what kind of response I get from the service manager, I will learn something - even if I get no response at all. Cheap experiments can be very illuminating. (But I like beer better.)
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