Search results

  1. Motorman

    Raptor Assault Light Bar For Sale.

    I am interested, how much to ship?
  2. Motorman

    Check out my new fantasy Ford Raptor!

    That’s pretty cool. Can you do a black one, no graphics?
  3. Motorman

    Hood and bedside decals

    Dealer covered mine under warranty. The bedsides were bubbling and letting go. Dealer had them removed and gave me new ones that are still in the box.
  4. Motorman

    Anybody got under seat storage ?

    Tuffy gunsafe. The factory storage is full.
  5. Motorman

    Rear map lights, what’s the secret?

    Both rear lights. The fronts come on and go off like they should.
  6. Motorman

    Rear map lights, what’s the secret?

    The rear door map lights in my 2019 802A come on and stay on randomly. Any way to stop this?
  7. Motorman

    How many miles came on your new Raptor?

    My 2019, bought in Sept. 2020 had 437 miles. Salesman told me it was considered new until 1000 miles. They did have good foglights installed, Ford bedliner, and bed cover. Its was the only “new” Raptor within 200 miles of Atlanta. Salesman had been driving it, had his phone programmed to it.
  8. Motorman

    New Member in ATL area

    Bought an F150 from them in 2003. Good experience. Got my 2019 from Wade Ford in Smyrna, not bad but they probably screwed me some on the 2013 FX4 trade in.
  9. Motorman

    New Member in ATL area

    Tidwell in Kennesaw had three nice gen 2s the other day.
  10. Motorman

    My GSD hates the neighbor’s Shelby Raptor

    Had a tire guy tell me that the harmonics from A/T tires could hurt a dogs hearing. My pup Blue heeler hated riding in my 2013 FX4 with aggressive A/Ts. Got new tires with less aggressive tread, and she calmed down. No problems with the KO2‘s on the 2019 Raptor.
  11. Motorman

    Doggo owners, what’s your front to back seat barrier?

    Orvis seat cover/hammock. Look up Dirty Dog for barrier.
  12. Motorman

    Nav update / Sync issues

    Asked about a Nav update at the dealer, wanted $150 to order a flashdrive. Found a Nav update for my 2019 802A on the Ford website for $40. Any experience with this type of update? my Sync stopped following commands with an iPod plugged in to the USB. the Sync tech says I need a new Sync module...
  13. Motorman

    Gilbert Canyon- Black Beauty & Jake No Shoulders

    Sammy no shoulders around Ga. / Al.
  14. Motorman

    Let's Talk SIRENS!

    Find a used Rumbler siren. You can feel it in your bones.
  15. Motorman

    iPod quit playing this week

    My 2019 802a did the same thing with my nano7 iPod. Tried a current generation iPod as well as different cables. Same results.
  16. Motorman

    Audio system question

    Never had an issue with my 2013 FX4. Started out great with the 2019 Raptor, but suddenly when I asked for playlist country, I got a completely different list. I can ask for artists, or songs. Need to update the sync, and reset the iPods. Thanks for the help.
  17. Motorman

    Audio system question

    That’s what i was thinking. Thank you.
  18. Motorman

    Audio system question

    Tried both ports, and a different cable as well.
  19. Motorman

    Audio system question

    Tried bluetooth, no commands with that. Tried a much newer iPod I use with my 2019 HD FLHXS still the same result. Will try a reset and reload.
  20. Motorman

    Audio system question

    2019 802A. Been using iPod nano 7 attached with usb. Suddenly system does not recognize playlist commands. Plays random playlists. Get a “browsing not available” message when trying to browse through playlists. Music is there, can ask for artists and it plays. Also get a “playlist empty”...
  21. Motorman

    POLICE got me again......

    It was on the window sticker. Front windows are tinted. Just curious as to the percent. No worries, will get one of the Motors to check with a tint meter.
  22. Motorman

    POLICE got me again......

    Have the tint package on my 2019 802A. Anyone know what the % tint is?
  23. Motorman

    Forscan changes - tweak your truck

    Any Forscan experts in Metro Atlanta?