Your warranty will cover shocks for the first year or 12K miles after that its a wear and tear item!! I would take it in before that runs out!!! Im not 100% sure if shocks are a 3/36 warranty item! Call your dealer and ask!
Talk to goose on the dynamic pedal control---mine did the same thing, but Goose can put the #3 sitting (I have the same) into your tune and it will never go back to zero!!! easyyyyyy!
go into your accesport and reset your TCM tune, so it can relearn your style---mine does not do that at all!!
You should really go an unmarry the accesport and return vehicle to stock--you could be ******** the other guy down then road! The you can sell your accesport for around 7-800 bucks
You have to set your dynamic throttle response to the way you like it---goes from stock to 10! I set mine to 3 and its perfect I think. Its a separate setting in the access port, just play with the diff numbers and see what you like
AND I would get with Winfield (goosetune) and get you truck...
that looks like you have a hole in your front camera hose, or not connected correctly? You should also be able to manually pull that front sprayer out some to make sure its not jammed somehow!
Hey Win---I see you have the NGK Ruthenium HX Spark Plugs LTR7BHX, are these the 1 step colder! do you or anyone else notice a difference from the Ford performance plugs?
Just keep the tune---It can be found if ford really digs in, regardless if you take it off!! If its professionally installed tuned to your truck just enjoy it!!
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