Swapped out the bumper for ADD’s Phantom bumper. All in all pretty straight forward but there are definitely some intricacies that made it take a little longer for someone of my skill level.
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Taking the truck apart wasn’t difficult but there are definitely some cracks and pops that’ll make you cringe!
I had a triple dog setup prior so I had the Rigid cubes but Sidney at
@Specialtyperformanceparts came through as always with the SR light bars for the outside and harnesses needed.
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I ran into a couple check engine lights and problems with the cruise control relocation. Took the truck to the dudes at Comal Truck Gear and they really hooked me up. They did a lot of wire management and made me promise not to do another install like this myself

absolutely love the way it turned out!
We couldn’t figure out the ACC though. The precollision alert is on the screen, Forscan is showing a horizontal alignment error. CTG and I both have tried the CCM reconfigs but nothing seems to be getting it to even allow normal cruise control. I’ve searched around here and have tried a lot of the tips and tricks but nothing is working quite yet. If anyone has any ideas or similar experiences feel free to ping me. I’d love to brainstorm.
Last thing on this stupid long post - installed the Built Right dash pad and some bullet point mounts today. That was fun and will definitely be useful.
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