We just picked up our hew Raptor on 9/23, and after a little time with my family in Kentucky, we're hitting the road back to Alaska - just in time for the snow to hit!!
I had some time to do a bit of work on the truck while here, so I got the bed Linexed (can you believe there's no longer a Linex dealer in AK!!), installed the DeeZee tailgate assist, Weathertech mats, a bug net for the radiator, and a tailgate theft prevention lock.
Been working on my other baby a lot while here ( it's always a work in progress, but definitely a serious labor of love)...but there are days when it feels like she doesn't love me back - especially when she decides to make the brakes not work!! Fun stuff! I still love her though!!
Now it's time for us to get on the road back to AK, and I pick my girlfriend up at the Nashville airport in the morning - she's flying down so she can make the road trip back with me. We'll post some photos of the drive along the way (when we do have internet), since there's definitely some great scenery to see! And of course the scenery will often include the Raptor (who wants to just see cruddy nature shots w/no machinery in them!!) Wish us luck!!

I had some time to do a bit of work on the truck while here, so I got the bed Linexed (can you believe there's no longer a Linex dealer in AK!!), installed the DeeZee tailgate assist, Weathertech mats, a bug net for the radiator, and a tailgate theft prevention lock.

Been working on my other baby a lot while here ( it's always a work in progress, but definitely a serious labor of love)...but there are days when it feels like she doesn't love me back - especially when she decides to make the brakes not work!! Fun stuff! I still love her though!!

Now it's time for us to get on the road back to AK, and I pick my girlfriend up at the Nashville airport in the morning - she's flying down so she can make the road trip back with me. We'll post some photos of the drive along the way (when we do have internet), since there's definitely some great scenery to see! And of course the scenery will often include the Raptor (who wants to just see cruddy nature shots w/no machinery in them!!) Wish us luck!!