WTF?! Warning + Citation for Headlights? Come On!

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May 16, 2010
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I think the cop has failed to locate /equip his *****. These idiots give all cops a bad name when generally most of them do their jobs and don't mess with honest law abiding citizens


FRF Gofur
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Oct 4, 2012
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Woodlawn, Virginia
While I agree that THAT LEO had some kind of problem with you or the truck, the other LEO's here, correct me if I am wrong, but technically, according to the Federal DOT regulations, ANY modification from the way the truck came from the factory, whether in a stock DOT approved housing or not is "Technically" illegal. Upgrading the stock lights to higher output 50W projectors that didn't come stock is against Federal DOT regs. Just like removing the cats or muffler or say the DPF on a DPF equipped diesel truck. It falls under the Fed DOT emissions laws or something like that. At least that is what I have been told by a couple of troopers I have talked to about that type of thing.

That being said, most LEO's I know would not pull you over for that, in this day and age, there are so many newer cars AND trucks that come stock with not only HID's but in some cases colored HIDs that it would take one heck of a vehicle expert to tell what truly came stock in the vehicle to begin with. Now if I was running around with the blue halo and red backlighting illuminated in mine from Dawson, I would be asking for trouble, but not because someone was blinded by them, heck, all I have is trucks and I get blinded regularly by other vehicles on the road.

What I would recommend is take the truck back to the dealership that fixed the truck and have them put the headlight alignment "machine" to it and check and verify the proper alignment of the lights, then take that to court to fight it on principle.
New Guy

New Guy

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Aug 31, 2013
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^^^ ice cobra, that's what police are looking for on a traffic stop. Honesty and when you mess up admitting it and taking responsibility. Thats how it's supposed to happen right there folks, thanks for the co operation have a great day.

Too bad new guy got the guy with little man syndrome and has to tell his boy/girlfriend how bad ass he was at the end of the day.

Hey thanks for the support in general guys. I was just astounded by the unmoving expression on his face when all I did was turn off my radio, turn on the hazard lights, lower my window(s), and placed my hands firmly in sight above the steering wheel. His reaction was, "Calm down, is there anything wrong? (rhetorical question) I need to see your Driver's License, Vehicle Registration Card, and proof of insurance. Your headlights, they're blinding everyone."

Calmly and slowly I pulled out the information and tried to explain, "Sir I was involved in a collision about a month and a half ago and I just got my truck back. This is my first evening out with it, I didn't know there was a problem. I'm sorry."

Expressionless answer, "I'll be back with your warning. Please stay in your vehicle." Leaves. Comes back with printed Warning and my stuff, hands it to me abruptly. "Do you have any questions for me? No, well You can Leave now."

This was my first encounter with an officer that I was just too shocked to say anything but roll up my window and slowly pull away. I thought, "**** you." And that's when Karma ****** with Me and suddenly naught 15 more minutes away more flashing Lights in my rear-view, thought "**** Me, what now? Headlights again, haha..." You better ******* believe it.

Sorry but whatever happened to the classic, "Alright well, Drive Safe Now." I'm not ashamed to admit it but I have been pulled over for a few speeding tickets before and I was always calm and collected, thanked the officer and said for him to have a safe drive/day b/c of their professionalism and human empathy. In fact on the last day of my Leave during spring break I got pulled over for making a wide turn and issued a Warning. But you know what, the officer was very nice and warm and told me to be safe and have a good day. Stupidly me and my buddy were buying ice cream sandwiches at the H.E.B. to celebrate a good Leave but despite all that we smiled and offered the officer some ice cream too. Swell guy.


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Law Enforcement-Fire
Dec 8, 2012
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Chagrin Falls, OH
^Thanks brother. Its just its pretty hard since I have only weekends off, I'm in a unique situation that I don't have any time during week. Ugh... I think it's just garbage that this had to happen in the first place.

Silver lining though! I was able get the new wheels on Before I got pulled over and Shat upon.

What bumper are you running?

How much does it weigh?


FRF Addict
Apr 23, 2013
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Oxnard, Ca
Fairly often I get flashed by other drivers... with the stock halogen lamps that came on my 2011... some people are just so blind they think they see more light than really exists


Jul 11, 2010
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Exactly what I'm saying. Don't get me wrong his lights are incredible, but they are not DOT regulated and certified. Meaning they are illegal to run on the road

Gonna have to take maxx's side on this one.

Technically they aren't DOT approved. So technical they can (an did) give you a ticket.
Is it fair? No. Just because he has a low car and was having a bad day he decided to be a **** about it.

Does he have the right to do so? Yep. He does. It's a chance you take when you mod your vehicle.


FRF Addict
Dec 6, 2010
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N. E. Massachusetts
Fairly often I get flashed by other drivers... with the stock halogen lamps that came on my 2011... some people are just so blind they think they see more light than really exists

What? I've upgraded my '11 bulbs and I still can't see what's in front of me. Once I have the cash, I calling Dawson.

Fight the ticket.


Full Access Member
Feb 9, 2012
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Alight, IMO:

#1 Unless you told the cop(s) that those headlights were not stock/retrofitted, there is going to be ZERO way they can tell unless they take those headlights apart and dissect them.

You appear to have OEM 13 HID housings with the DOT approved deal stamped in them. They can't prove it. Period.

Just take your paperwork to court, tell them what happened, tell them you have OEM Factory headlights that the truck rolled off the showroom floor with and you have no idea why you got pulled over. I would definitely use the accident deal - maybe take a police report from accident/body repair invoice/etc to prove your case. Explain to them that the Raptor sits high and unfortunately you can't help if it blinds lower vehicles.

Should be thrown out - no questions asked. Here locally, you don't even have to go to a real judge. There are others in the court house that can make it happen.

Good luck.


FRF Addict
Feb 12, 2013
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Great Lakes
Not knowing what was done to you truck at the shop but if they were not aimed correctly you would be bilining other drivers the lights may only be a little off but that makes a big difference. And what makes it worse is the upgrade in wattage. With my crap 2011 stock headlights I got flashed maybe once in a year then I went to mid purch and was flashed 3 times the first night all I did was adjust them down and no more problems. Funny enough they are still aimed higher then factory and are acctualy better with the same light output I am sure I will have to adjust then once I do an HID upgrade.

If I were you I would get the shop to re aim them and go to court with the repair order, I think they may let you off. If you can't take the time to fight this one still get them re aimed so you have a document showing that for the future and maybe less trouble with that officer. Unfortunaly you may still be illegal under federal, state and even a local ordinance I would avoid the issue that you changed something and focus on the fact that the truck is equipped with HID from the factory


FRF Gofur
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Oct 4, 2012
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Woodlawn, Virginia
I have Dawson's 50w upgrades and am at midperch with them adjusted absolutely perfect upon installation with his standard adjustments. I have had them installed going on a month or so now and have yet to be flashed by anyone, the low beam line falls just short ot he rear window on most cars as long as I don't ride their butts. But, changes in the road itself effects that as well and that may have been what happened here. The cop just happened to look in his mirror about the time y'all went over a hump in the road or something and was blinded, but if he has been out there for any length of time at all he should have taken that into consideration. There was no need in what happened at all.

As for the light output, my wife and son have both driven the truck at night with the upgraded lights and said they don't like how they are adjusted, but I like them just how they are, I can see just enough of the road in front of me in low beam to be perfectly fine when passing someone and when I am not behind somebody or whatever I run the high beams all the time and those things light up the night like the sun. I love them.

I honestly believe that that ticket would be an easy one to get out of. Maybe get the dealership to double check the alignment and if it is off have them write a letter to that affect and if they are correct, write a letter to that affect and then take it to the local county magistrate. I know in Va, it is sometimes possible to take care of smaller faulty equipment tickets that way if the magtistrate will contact the officer and let them know that you have taken steps to correct whatever it was he had a problem with and then just drop it.