Nope.. none of that worked.. and again, I have not had to use the USB to connect in first place and not now, as I did try that.. just for the two cents to the story here..
(small fib there, there was a mention of something that I just had to try, it may have been obvious to others..but it was not until I actually thought to try it, then it made all the sense in the world)
HOWEVER... I did figure it out!! at least for me anyway..
lets make a little game out of it.
who thinks it was:
1: The phone itself.. ie, version of hardware.. 12, 13 etc..
2: The iOS version..
3: The trucks info system.. being any reset, setup option..?
4: A VPN on phone
5: Connecting to a usb (sorry had to put that one in there
6: Or, just simply doing a reset on phone, forget, and pair