FRF Addict
I don't know why people get offended if someone asks a question. You wasted more time replying to this than answering the question if you had any clue that is.
Says the guy with now 17 posts who's yet to add any value here.
So there's no "rule" that participants have to add value on this forum. Nevertheless there's a lot of value (knowledge and experience) here. But it's useless if it's not tapped into.
And that's where my remark comes from - if you search you will likely find. If you're lazy and just ask you won't likely get the depth of information and knowledge that is already here. Kind of like a book - if you don't open it you won't get anything from it.
---------- Post added at 07:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:06 PM ----------
I think it would be much more efficient and fruitful if everyone added to the conversation or just passed through. Helping each other is a main goal of forums i believe. Anyway, I am fine with no one answering a simple and heavily researched topic but why do people have to actually waste their "valuable" time commenting on how not to post simple questions! just ignore or help. It is that simple.
Not to mention the ill-mannered juvenile replies as you can see here!
Stay cool..
Thanks for coming here and lecturing us Mr. P-car owner. Sure glad you stopped by to "HELP US" since that's what you said is the goal of forums.
How about coming into our house and being respectful and polite. Oh wait, this is 2017 when everyone EXPECTS and DEMANDS before they GIVE.
---------- Post added at 07:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:17 PM ----------
I'm not planning to do any mods right now. Just researching and I'm sure more and better products will be available.
Porsche owner. First truck. Not planning to do any mods right now. Just researching.
Click Advanced Search and use the 2017 Raptor filter to find your research.