Yeah to a point i can see that. A new truck here runs close to a $600+ Monthly payment and then you have a yearly registration fee which pushes nearly $1400 and goes down a little every year until it 5 years old and hits the lowest price.Our way of thinking up here was: people can't afford to drive clunkers, they cost more to operate and fill up with fuel than buying a decent vehicle and older vehicles are now more maintained than new vehicles these days because they are all owned by people with some disposable cash. I'm sure your inspections only create more hardship for the middle income owners with families, because that's the greater population. Okay, I vented enough, go get that clean inspection, lol.
Also these new chevys are pos. I see new vehicles in getting big jobs done (valve jobs etc) in way to often for a new vehicle. Shiit my 2010 tahoe had 130k on it and I never had any big issues like these new ones. I did bend the rear springs though lol
Fuel prices here suck but we also dont pay per liter. 91 oct is $4.09/gal yay biden lol.