Right?!! I had a hard time deciding, rarely use 4WD but last time I tried the left side was popping in and out of engagement. Kinda pointless to lug all that front diff, CV shafts, driveshaft and transfer case weight around ALL the time, just to have one or both IWE's fail on the rare occasion you need it (I seriously considered just going 2WD only when I lived in NM). Granted I've never had a problem before but I have poked around in the IWE last time I had a half shaft out and that plastic gear...kinda sketchy. Hopefully I'm not swapping CV shafts soon as a result of the RCV but we'll see.
Yeah. I use it basically just in the winter when it gets bad. I just hear the delete kit can cause more wear on other parts (I forget what now) so thats why im on the fence. Im gonna look into it more later on though, got other stuff i should do first lol