Couple questions for you: 1) which deavers did you get? plus 2, 3, 0r 4. 2) Is this an enclosed trailer, if so, are you using an equalizer hitch set up? If you answered 3 or 4 and yes to the questions, then, another question: Do you know how to properly set up an equalizer hitch set up? If you don't, what I do since I have the same scenario as you with little sag is: when I load the trailer on, I don't crank the trailer down so all of the weight is resting on the truck, only drop it down about 2 inches and then hook up the equalizer bars and set them tight, then when I release the rest of the weight of the trailer it sits level, no sag at all. I have gone too far and not put enough weight on the truck and have had the rear tires spin around corners due to the flex of the trailer lifting the back of the truck enough. Can help you more if needed.
Thanks for the info. I have Deavers + 2, so the empty rear height is within an inch of the original springs. The searchlight trailer does not have an equalizer hitch, so the rest of your suggestions are not applicable to that trailer. And yes I know how to hookup and setup a trailer with that style of hitching. The sag is about 2" with that trailer both with the Deavers and the originals. The trailer pulls fine with a standard hitch. Originally I towed the trailer from Omaha, Nebraska to Oregon, a distance of about 1,700 miles using an '01 F-150 short box. It did fine then, and does fine now behind the SCAB.