2019 Gen2 with 57k miles. When driving my truck, I’ve noticed that when the boost gauge is at 1/4 or 3/4, the turbo gauge sometimes makes a strange noise that resembles a Whipple noise. It almost sounds like it’s struggling to maintain consistent boost when this noise occurs. Additionally, my gas pedal feels less responsive than before. I checked for leaks with a smoke machine, but no leaks in my intake pipes. I’m not sure if I've just gotten used to the power or if there’s an actual issue. Has anyone else experienced this noise or the change in gas pedal sensitivity? Any insights would be appreciated. I also attached a voice recording that I made with my mouth lol. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jzs3...copy.m4a?rlkey=tdwsvbdfn2tsxyvnuhe3zf5xz&dl=0