Well after a day of back and forth from this service manager to the next and being told FoMoCo will not cover the premature rusting due to the fact that I had gotten them sandblasted to try and prevent further rusting from their lack of quality control, I finally got a little bit of assistance from my local dealership who will be talking with the owners to eat some if not all the costs to replace my rotten rockers due to FoMoCo's stringent warranty policies. So while all this was taking place I also went to their body shop to get a rough estimate as to cost to replace all out of pocket to be shocked. The quote I received was $1800. They claim there are no rocker replacements only the entire frame around the doors including the rockers (super cab) so they would need to cut out the rotten pieces and bend new sheet metal to shape and then replace. Needless to say today had been a shit show to say the least and I hope nobody else on this board is having the same issues as me. I'd say go take a look at your rockers and do not touch them before taking to a dealer to discuss, don't even remove your side steps because FoMoCo will try and use it against you.