Full Access Member
Ok, now crawl under the truck and stare at the bumper mounts real good, hell, stare at everything. Drips? Scrapes? Add-ons?. Even better, take it to a mechanic buddy and have em look at the tow hooks/mounts and the bumper mounts to make sure none of that shit is bent. If the frame is bent, smile and walk....walk fast. If not, the ($2500) bumper/skid estimate gives you a starting point to chisel away at the asking price. Also, there are some pretty nasty scrapes in the fender extension ($1000), the tires are almost bald ($1500), you really wanted a Black one (they are the fastest you know - dock em $1000)....geez, we are now down into "I'm beginning to hate this truck, but I'll give you $28K" cash-flash "I'm buyin a truck tonight, but its probably not this one," initial offer range.
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