I noticed when towing that my transmission gets way up into the 220's which is way to high for me.
Seems to be two options for cooling: Larger Pan and Forced Air Transmission Cooler.
Here are some questions for you guys:
Does the larger pan really help that much? I understand that cooling by fluid volume makes a difference in addition to aluminum transferring heat better especially when finned. But by how much? 5 degrees while towing isn't worth $300 to me if an aftermarket cooler for $1000 will make it stay at 180 degrees the whole time.
If it is worth going the pan route, I worry that the pan will now be more susceptible to damage from below while off-roading. Solution to that *might* be a skid plate for another $300... if it fits the lager pan. Maybe the 3 quart doesn't stick down that much and its not an issue. The 7 quart from AFE would certainly cool more by volume but I assume it sticks down even further. I know there are many other solutions and I'm hoping you guys will discuss them.
Any suggestions from people that have used either solution, or from site vendors that have tested their products???
Hopefully this thread can end up being a comprehensive discussion of transmission cooling options that people can reference in the future.
Seems to be two options for cooling: Larger Pan and Forced Air Transmission Cooler.
Here are some questions for you guys:
Does the larger pan really help that much? I understand that cooling by fluid volume makes a difference in addition to aluminum transferring heat better especially when finned. But by how much? 5 degrees while towing isn't worth $300 to me if an aftermarket cooler for $1000 will make it stay at 180 degrees the whole time.
If it is worth going the pan route, I worry that the pan will now be more susceptible to damage from below while off-roading. Solution to that *might* be a skid plate for another $300... if it fits the lager pan. Maybe the 3 quart doesn't stick down that much and its not an issue. The 7 quart from AFE would certainly cool more by volume but I assume it sticks down even further. I know there are many other solutions and I'm hoping you guys will discuss them.
Any suggestions from people that have used either solution, or from site vendors that have tested their products???
Hopefully this thread can end up being a comprehensive discussion of transmission cooling options that people can reference in the future.