The allocation process is confusing on all sorts of levels and I'm certainly not an expert. I've heard several versions, but the one I was told by the dealer was that they were getting 3 confirmed allocations per month from Ford, and sometimes more if other dealers weren't using theirs. The number of allocations per month wasn't set in stone, but they always planned on getting 3 sometime during the first week of each month.
Regarding the dora - I had an order sheet printed out and handed to me when I first ordered. That order went into the dealer's system, waiting for Ford to pull it and the others into their system. After Ford pulls the order up, some sort of blackbox process happens - based on whether the dealer had a confirmed allocation, the priority number on the order, the dealer's status with ford and some other crap that no one seems to understand. When everything aligns, a dora will be issued which essentially puts the build into motion. Again, I could be wrong on all this, but this is the process that I've been told by two different dealers.