Man that sucks.....
I see that AZ hasn't adopted the Uniform Commercial Codes and Deceptive Trade Practices Act....But Michigan has. This piece of legislation was designed to give power back to the little guy. It looks like AZ has adopted some of it, but not all.
Depending on how much fight you have in you, I'd engage an attorney. If it were me, I'd file a Federal diversity claim (meaning parties from different states) and try and enforce the Michigan/Federal DTPA....A Federal diversity claim requires an amount in excess of $75k, so depending on what you paid for your Raptor you may have to reach a bit. I bet you can find a local firm that would take your case on a contingent basis.
Suing each other is never a good option, but it seems your options are thinning. The problem I have with not forcing the manufacture to make this right is the next best solution is to trade the car in and then the next poor guy inherits the same problem and the manufacture walks free.