I can tell I'm really gonna love this site.
I was actually being quite facetious when I made my original comments. However, I can understand that sarcasm is very difficult to detect over the Internet.
That being said Im sorry some of you are butthurt that your truck is being replaced by a better version. That is just reality, with each generation of vehicles they tend to become more advanced and sofisticated for the most part.
I'm just assuming but the Gen 2 should get much better fuel economy.
We shall see.
Flame on
I was actually being quite facetious when I made my original comments. However, I can understand that sarcasm is very difficult to detect over the Internet.
That being said Im sorry some of you are butthurt that your truck is being replaced by a better version. That is just reality, with each generation of vehicles they tend to become more advanced and sofisticated for the most part.
I'm just assuming but the Gen 2 should get much better fuel economy.
We shall see.
Flame on