I really hate that truck... Seriously though. Just too much.
-Wheels: Try hard and look awful. Reminds me of Rockstar rims (might even be?)
-Side Step: Electric? Serious? Enough said there already
-Rear Taillight: Again, reminds me of a ricer... I think front retro's are okay but the rear... EHH
-Exhaust through the car: No. First off, imagine the maintance you are going to put into keep that area clean and free of build up, second, the chrome backing looks tacky, three, if you ever want to sell the car you will be limiting your audience, four, this really isnt stock car racing... Just side exhaust, dump, dual,... etc literally smoke stack that shit before doing that to your truck
Overall the truck gives me the impression it has A-Pillar gauges and shit like that... It looks like the owner literally went through Autoparts and picked things out... While it may have been expensive it looks bad.