My VOC is also dated 8/28... was Priority 11, Retail Order Type: 1. I received verbal confirmation from the manager on the day I left my deposit (about a week later) that he bumped it to a priority 10 per my request. Now that retail order VINs are beginning to surface, do I ask for a priced DORA or is the priced DORA the same as my VOC showing MSRP and Invoice?
Randy - can you answer this question... Thanks in advance!
The DORA is just a piece of paper that shows that Ford got the order from the dealer. It's the same thing. If you were quoted a price @ time of order from your selling dealer, and you got it in writing in the from of a "Buyers Order" or a signed piece of paper, showing the price you agreed on. You should be good to go. The dealer will save the DORA in the deal jacket, and for ANY reason, the price goes up "FROM FORD" as a running price increase, then your dealer is covered with price protection. BUT the DORA has to show O/T 1 order AND Customer Name has to be SAME as "SOLD TO NAME" when the Truck comes in and is reported Sold.
You guys need to quit sweating the small stuff and micro managing stuff you have NO controll over................
Ford will build these 2013 Raptors and get them out to dealers, just like they have for the last 110 years. GO BACK AND READ THE 2012 waiting for my raptor posts!! SAME EXACT Posts