I am on my 2nd truck with a bed rug and have had no issues with them holding up. I have hauled atvs, dirt, grass, and all kinds of stuff back there. Take a powerwasher to it if it gets really dirty and dry it off with a leafblower. Mine has a few stains and shows some wear but overall looks better imo than a sprayin liner. It's also much quieter when you have loose items rolling around in the bed. You don't hear a sound when you have a jack, lugwrench and a half dozen ratchet strap laying in there all the time like I do. That's the main reason I bought mine was it makes a good sound deadener and if u want to haul something without scratching it you don't have to wrap it up or lay down a blanket. When my Gen II finally shows up it will get a bed rug and a Revolver X4 before it backs out of the garage for the 1st time!
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