And I'm not either. Point I'm making is there's numerous threads of people having issues with their android and the truck. Simple fix get an iPhone. Like I said I admitted to having no valuable fix just an opinion of what works for me.
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I read almost every thread on here. I've not seen numerous threads on issues with Androids. I can't even say I've seen more than 2 counting this one.I have seen a few (3 if my memory serves me) about Apple Car play issues. Even if there were numerous threads about Android issues, it would really be more attributed to the number of different Android phone makes, models, and software versions. I will credit Apple being easier to implement because it has a very tight control on software/hardware. That means that MFGs like Ford only have to make the software play nice with one very specific hardware/software combination. Android could involve literally hundreds of different hardware/software versions to code around.
Not sure replacing your smart phone is a simple fix. Seems a bit drastic.