well you have to remember, this is specific to this woofer. all prefab boxes are designed to house any woofer you put in. they make the box to fit the vehicle, and then cut a hole for a woofer. it is not tuned to any specific frequency due to the fact that woofers of the same size are not of the same frequency.
the prefab boxes are good at what they do, its a cheaper alternative to get bass in a truck. however i have yet to see a box for this truck fit a 12in woofer, or 2. when it comes to this, most people are satisfied with the 2 10in woofers and are not willing to pay the extra to fit a 12in. fiberglass work is very time consuming and since people dont have the money to spend they used to, they opt for a prefab because this is cheaper.
ths is an exploratory project, if the 2 people who are recieving these boxes are happy, and think it is worth the money, then they will be produced for others. if they think that its not worth the upgrade, then so be it. im hoping for a positive outcome though, because i know the speakers potential, and i have a very long history of box building.