Dropping my grandmother off at he hospital to visit someone, she's turning 90 in a month so I was a gentleman and helped her climb out..
Behind me I hear a strong Newfie accent, if you aren't familiar you MUST look it up on YouTube.. So I hear,
"My Jesus bye dats some truck ain it"
Me : thank you sir.
"What's dat ting run ya new"
I ignore that comment as I assist her out, my grandmother states she thinks the guy is talking about my fancy truck.
I then hear "man dat must be an easy 18,000 ain it?!"
Ok buddy you have my attention, I turned around to see a man, 145 pounds wearing the hospital gurney the wrong way sucking on a cigarette in bare feet with 3 iv bags hanging on his wheelchair.. And it was -17* outside with blowing snow, wind chill of -24*.
He then states "you know some ting bye, all dat needs is a good set of plow gear don it?! Den you got da hoe package dere, kina looks funny witout it. What da hell is dat ting anyway? You build it?!..."
I was now walking my grandmother in to the hospital to get her a wheel chair.. He follows with his cigarette INSIDE THE HOSPITAL. He continuously followed me back outside to the driver side of my truck before finally giving in telling him new they are "flirting with 60". (Canadian price)
He then chastises me for lying and making this shit up and says "what is a svvvvit anyway, never heard a dat" yes he said svt as if it were one word similar to a zipper noise...... He then wheeled away lighting another smoke from the one he already had...
Yup there's people like that where I live..