Can someone tell me what the stock rake is?
I never took measurements when I first got my truck. Measuring from the ground to the center fender lip.
My front is at 41" and rear at 44.5"
So a 3.5" rake right now.
I am not stock but curious how far off I am? I am at mid-perch and have WSI HD springs, from what I searched here, those are 3+.
Bed weight: (two spares - under and in bed), bed cage, jack and 24g action packer.
When asking for this type of info you must remember not everyone is going to have the same measurements. So many variables involved here.
How much fuel is in the truck
Does teh bed have anything in it. A level surface... So many things can change the measurement.
Are the flares in teh same position on the truck.
Whats the tire pressure at.
The correct jounce.
When doing this you should , push up, hold it for 1 or 2 seconds, let it settle down, take you first measurement, next, pull the vehicle down, hold for 1 or 2 seconds, take your second measurement and use the avg for your number measuring at teh same place everytime. Its best to use the center of the lower C arm bolt as the reference since it will not change from one vehicle to the next.