FRF Addict
My Raptor only has about 1500 miles on it, but I've been noticing a slight bit of feedback in the steering since it was new. It's somewhat hard to describe, but when I'm going straight down the road and I just wiggle the wheel left to right so little that the truck doesn't even respond, I can feel something in the steering wheel when I change turn directions. It feels like the same "whine" that I've felt in older vehicles that had PS leaks and/or were low on PS fluid. I can also feel it when I'm in a long turn like on a freeway on or off ramp curve. I don't feel it at all when the truck is stopped which seems strange because the power steering system would be working harder to turn the wheels when the tires aren't rolling. This leads me to believe that it may have something to do with the power steering pump specifically when it's operating at a higher RPM.
Has anyone else noticed this?
I'm going to try revving the engine in park and drive, but with the truck stopped and see if I notice it then.
Has anyone else noticed this?
I'm going to try revving the engine in park and drive, but with the truck stopped and see if I notice it then.