Did the pair of duallys you got for the back up lights come with a wire harness that connected the two lights together?
Then you had you add wires to make the run to the front of the truck?
Thats pretty much what I did, but I'm trying to remember what exactly the dually kit came with wiring wise. It's not Raptor specific, so I ran my own fused power wire to the back from my up fitter #4 switch. For the ground I tapped my trailer 7 way pin ground wire, since it was close. The kit came with a harness that had a switch and an in line fuse that I cut off. The main harness has a connector for one light, they give you a second harness for the other light, and scotch locks to connect the harnesses together. Its something you wont need more than basic automotive electrical stuff to do. Wire, butt connectors
(or solder an heat shrink), spare scotch locks, electrical tape, and zip ties and you should be set.