So I was scouring craigslist on Friday for HID lights just to see if there were any deals out there and I ran across an ad for a new in box Rigid 20" LED with mounting bracket. The guy owns a truck performance shop and apparently he got stuck with it when a customer backed out on it last minute. I dropped by to see if it was legit and left there with the light and bracket. Best part is I got the light at cost for $500 and he threw the bracket in for free.
I got some time on Sunday to mess with it and I am happy with the result . I am glad to have saved a few hundred dollars because I probably wouldn't have purchased the light at full price. This thing is stupid bright and it nearly blinded me for over a minute after flipping the thing on in my face, lesson learned haha.
I got some time on Sunday to mess with it and I am happy with the result . I am glad to have saved a few hundred dollars because I probably wouldn't have purchased the light at full price. This thing is stupid bright and it nearly blinded me for over a minute after flipping the thing on in my face, lesson learned haha.