FRF Addict
So I guess F150's are famous for having the fuel doors come loose. What happens is there is a pin that works itself loose and the fuel door won't spring shut. The reason this happens is the pin is inverted, meaning the way the pin slides out is facing down where gravity can help it come loose. The engineer who concocted this BS should be shot by firing squad
Anyhow, there is a metal pin kit with a washer and cotter pin that will prevent this from ever happening again. Awesome! The catch? You have to remove the fuel door assembly to do it. I attempted this once a few weeks ago and gave up. I took the rear wheel off, put a towel on the ground so I could lay under the truck etc etc etc. Yeah, don't need to do any of that.
I started by taking the actual fuel outer door plate off (the painted part) - you just pry a tab up with a flathead and it slides right off
To get the whole assembly out you need a plastic trim tool set. And your arm. What I did was I reached up to the backside of the fuel assembly (there are 4 tabs that lock it in place, roughly at 11 o'clock, 1 o'clock, 5 o'clock and 7 o'clock) and unhooked the 2 bottom tabs (5 o'clock and 7 o'clock). Then if you push a bit with your hand, you can get a gap at the bottom. From there I just leapfrogged the 2 trim tools counterclockwise until the 3rd tab popped out, then I was able to get the whole assembly out.

Now I bought a new fuel door assembly, I think it was $35 because I wasn't sure if I could get the old one out without fuckingituproyally. I didn't and I didn't need a new assembly, but since I had it I used it.
Here is the old door with the pin almost fallen all the way out.

Here is the metal pin kit I got at Amazon -

All the pieces of the repair kit.

And the kit installed in the new door assembly - obviously you have to remove the stock plastic pin - just take a flathead and a rubber mallet or a hammer and tap the pin and it will slide out as you pull and rotate the door.

I started by taking the actual fuel outer door plate off (the painted part) - you just pry a tab up with a flathead and it slides right off

Now I bought a new fuel door assembly, I think it was $35 because I wasn't sure if I could get the old one out without fuckingituproyally. I didn't and I didn't need a new assembly, but since I had it I used it.
Here is the old door with the pin almost fallen all the way out.

Here is the metal pin kit I got at Amazon -

All the pieces of the repair kit.

And the kit installed in the new door assembly - obviously you have to remove the stock plastic pin - just take a flathead and a rubber mallet or a hammer and tap the pin and it will slide out as you pull and rotate the door.
