In regards to the club truck requirements...
We spent a lot of time discussing this when the club was first formed, and there are many reason why we chose the required items. In the end, it comes down to having the most prepared people, in the most prepared trucks. These club runs rely heavily on the members, their preparation, and ability to be self-sufficient in many ways.
We have been asked by people from time to time to make exceptions for a variety of requirements, but in the end we need to stick to our guidelines and uphold all members to the same rules. This isn't because we want to be difficult, but because we want every run to cover long distances and be enjoyable for every member on the run. Once people experience the runs, and see the distance we cover and the trails maps that are provided, it makes much more sense. Most agree afterwards that it is worth the minimal investment to properly prepare their trucks for these events.
Raptor Expeditions club runs are not for every owner. They're designed around the owners who truly use their trucks off-road as they were intended... those that aren't affraid to get out there and blaze the trails right next to us! Remember, we're not doing laps on a track... we're covering 100's of miles in a single day. Our Desert Heat run a few months back covered 450+ miles in a single day, almost all off-road! Quite an achievement for all members involved, and went without a hitch. This simply wouldn't be possible without these requirements.
In the end, it's all about the experience... making it the best we can for everybody.