Yeah thinking this is finally the one for me.
Havoc in the hills group buy perhaps??
Possibly. Get a group together, and we'll work out some numbers, I cant give them away though. I've got guys wanting 20% discount on Facebook, ummm no.... I'm only doing discount on accessories, and reduced price shipping. The "base" is $899, which is cheaper than most of the Chinese leds you guys have on you truck, unless you have Whelens, which aren't made in China, and why I sell them... slam...
it will work with a bedrug, however you need access to the bed bolts (cut some nice holes through bedrug?). It will work with the tailgate extenders except you wont get the "wings" look at the pics.
As you guys can see we have put a tremendous amount of thought into this.
The website is up! get your orders in!