OK, so I got a chance to run them pretty hard Sunday. Did some locked diff 2 wheel drive power slide action on dirt/gravel roads, little bit of mud boggin, and some rocky trail crawling.
I still feel they grip much better than the BFG's. I had little wheel spin on the steeper rocky areas, even in just 2 wheel drive. The tires had good traction on any wet sections of trial I came across. They did very well in the muddy parts, where as the BFG's would load up with mud and slide around. But, I can see this soft, sticky traction is coming at a price.
They're not coming apart in chunks like the bfg's, but showing small pits and cuts. The leading edges are also showing ware. I'm not disappointed considering how I treated them Sunday. With a tread compound so soft it's to be expected.
A few more pics
I didn't get out and take very many pics. It's bow season, and I was surrounded by about 400 thousand hunters itchin to shoot at something
I also had them aired to 34 psi, which is where I've been keeping them. I think I could've aired them down a lot less for the trail. They still rode pretty rough. I will probably go down to 25 psi next time I run a trail.