Zach Robertson
Last friday i blew my driver side turbo in my 2017 2nd gen with 86K, and in taking it off i found the culprit, the tab off the main retainer was hanging in the oil drain line, causing about an 1/8” of play in the turbine shaft in and out allowing oil to proceed into the intake side. White smoke billowed out the exhaust. Smells like a fountain firework. I bought a new stock replacement turbo from ford and installed. After starting and idling for approximately 30 min i began driving around the neighborhood. White smoke still billows out the exhaust and truck shutters at like 3000 rpms, hard to get up to speed. I removed intake and intercooler piping and removed excess oil checking play in turbo shaft and ease of spinning. All good. Changed out spark plugs and began driving. All was fine for about 5 minutes as soon as i gave it a lil more truck shuttered and now its a mix of black and white smoke. Still smells like fireworks. Any help out there?!?!?