They are also fixing issues for other vehicles but are working on things as they have time. I've seen updates for various other platforms so I'm sure they will get to them all over time. Their customer service seems to be decent for a small company.
Their customer service is pretty bad overall. The user manual is not useful at all. The online FAQs are somewhat useful, but not very well organized. Installation instructions are poor and not very well organized, youtube video only. Creating a ticket on their site will result in a response two weeks later with an unhelpful message, and automatically closed message.
Seriously, customer service is an absolutely liability. The reason they sell units is because no one comes close the matching their functionality and price. If Linkswell or GU Autotech were in the same ballpark for price and functionality, no one would be buying PX6s.
And I really don't have a lot of confidence that they are going to fix issues in time. They will fix some sure, but since they are focusing on integrating faster, higher version tablets, for dozens of auto models, with likely a tiny development staff, with very few if any vehicles to test on....with no competition to be concerned about....I have very little faith. And I don't think it really helps that automakers are coming out with 12" screens of their own. Yes, it will be quite some time before all vehicles on the road have these large screens, but the market is not going to get any bigger.