Yakota: Im like hour and a half east of Madison, a suburb of Milwaukee.
Pats Raptor: Nationals take ALL day now, They run em' quick they try to keep 3 races on a track at a time and when a crash happens looks like the autobahn as far as clean up, unless its really bad, which I have seen numerous people become paralyzed, a few spine injuries, skull fractures, sketchy!! The Grands (Finals) race had over 700 motos this year and alot of people that normally come didnt, they had to change it to a 2 moto transfer instead of 3. Your class is STACKED, lots of riders, gotta be fast to make a main, heck even mine is crazy as its all ex-pro girls from the 80's! Last year I was sitting #1 at Finals, raced first moto took 1st was all set to win National #1 and I got deathly ill with the flu never made my final race cause I was so sick, #2 it was for me.
Aarons419: Thanks!
The madcow: Thanks!