Hello all, been a member for a while now but have never posted anything, just reading posts and learning more about these trucks, and thought it was about time I introduce myself and my truck. Just been busy with work, life and getting my boy through his little league years. So this is the first vehicle that I’ve ever bought that I did not have that little annoying voice in the back of my head saying “why did you buy that”. Hell no, in fact, the only thing I hear beside the exhaust rumble, is “why the **** didn’t I buy it sooner”. So here she is a black 2104 Screw with 802a with beadlocks. Didn’t even tell the wife, just came up the driveway one day with it while she was outside getting the mail and the look on her face was priceless . She said I heard you coming up the hill, it’s big, I like it, can I drive it? So now, after some time, do I have any remorse? Hell no, still an awesome truck, I’d do it all over again.