Ruger - I was going to install the PA dipstick on my 2013, never got to it - glad I didn't because I like the B&M design much more. I am going to proceed with this project, as-is, but want to investigate fabrication of a mounting bracket so it is integral with the engine to prevent the potential issue which you note. If I come up with a good solution, I'll post it.
Jimster, did you ever solve the problem? I think it can be done using the studs that support the lower spark plug wire standoffs. A simple bracket mounted with nuts underneath the standoffs would be sufficient to support the upper end of the dipstick, and it would put it in much more accessible location than on the firewall under the cab overhang.
You mentioned a "PA dipstick." Not familiar with that. Can you please be more specific? I'd like the opportunity to compare as you have done.
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