Would you pick the Rigid 360’s over the BD LP’s? I tend to lean toward Rigids in general, BUT I think for the round light, that BD hit it outta the park with their LP’s with 8750 lumens for the LP4’s and 10,300 lumens for each LP6 (and they just look bada$$)
Well, that's a good question. Here is the thing. I am going to give you the TRUTHFUL answer. When I say that, I am not going to say anyone particular is being dishonest on here. I am just saying when it comes to asking a vendor on here which one is better, they tend to tell you what THEY prefer or what THEY are trying to push at the time. I want to give you the Nuetral answer so YOU can decide.
So here it is. A lot of that decision is PERSONAL preference. Some like the style of one or the other. EVERYONE will give you a different opinion and it will always lean to what THEY like.
So here are the things to know when deciding.
First, Rigid and Baja are the two TOP recognized brands for aftermarket lighting. So you are already picking from the top 2. You aren't going to make some huge mistake with either one of them. Both have been around a long time and have withstood many things and they still stand. So you can feel comfortable that the lifetime warranty both offer are going to be good nonetheless.
So from there, I would compare the way people swear by one or the other like Ford and GM. Both are great products. Both have been around a long time. Both have proven themselves. Both are the top two brands in the USA. Neither is a bad product. However, you will have Chevy guys out there bashing the Ford and Vice Versa... Not because either have a leg to stand on, but because they are preferential.
Personally, I am a Ford guy. You probably are too. I personally like the Rigid product styles and options better. I like their design better. That's just me personally though. Again, both are great products.
I did a compare between the two a few weeks ago. Both on the same truck and then side by side.
The Baja Lights tend to be a bit smaller in case size, so they don't fill up the fog pockets as much. You may or may not like that. I like the Rigid better there (That is in the 3x3 pods) The Rigid Round 360 lights are 4" and slightly bigger. The Lumens are like HP. Some manufacturers stretch it more than others. I know I have compared Rigid lights with less advertised lumens than the BD counterpart and the Rigid was brighter, so the bigger number is better within brands, but I would want to see real hard data from a neutral source before I compared just a lumen number between them.
The LP4 Pro seem bulkier than the Rigid Pro D-Series and I am not sure how well they will fit in the pockets. The 360 Round is not comparable to either. Even the LP4 Round. The 4" Rigid 360's are a completely different case and they are much larger than the S4's but smaller than the LP4's. The LP6 is probably a closer compare to the 6" Rigid 360 light. But comparing the LP6 to the Rigid, the Rigid weighs probably half as much. In fact, I will take a pic of both side by side in a bit and post it, as well as weigh them both. Weight is important to me. The less a light like tis weighs, the more versatile it is to mount in many locations that it may otherwise have structural integrity issues on. (Like A-Pillar Mounts)
Both the LP6 and the 6' Rigid 360's have the backlight option.