I think you're gonna be fine. I had people telling me when I was shopping for a travel trailer and a Raptor it's not a tow truck etc.
I loved the Raptor and wasn't gonna be towing 95% of the time. I wanted to enjoy the truck during those times too.
Between our 6200lb trailer and all the gear inside and the stuff we load the bed with my Retrax bedcover I'm sure we push the 8k limit often if not barely exceed it.
I've never had a single issue towing even doing climbs from Phx up to Flagstaff with 6kft elevation change.
She's gonna squat a bit even with the WDH but I don't see the real issue there.
I have considered Deaver +3HDs in my future just to help with all the kids stuff such as bikes etc we load in bed.
Get the trailer you like and enjoy it .
Pick up a set of SumoSprings, they take 10 min to install, add 1000-1500lbs of capacity depending of the model you pick and have no affect on the daily ride. Way cheaper than adding new leafs.