i wouldn't raise this debate , but all those things tested by JDM and the conclusion is there is no difference in performance compare to stock pump.
Hey MetroNYC,
I haven't said anything about doing the Livernois Fuel Pump upgrade because
I'm still in the process of getting a custom Dyno Tune once all my parts come in from Whipple for the 550 rwhp Tuning.
Also a fuel pump upgrade is not meant for HP increase as a mod, it is meant to keep up fuel demand if and when needed.
Having a non-return fuel system puts a lot of stress on the pump itself, being that it always is turning on and off constantly.
I do want to add, I have no issues at all with the pump and I've been running a full year with it.
I also can't comment on what JDM says about the Fuel pump because yours is not installed correctly if your running out of fuel under a 1/4 tank.
JDM talks a few times on the forums about the Raptor running into fuel starvation when hitting 550+ rwhp.
And JDM doesn't like B.A.P. systems, they are known to fail from time to time and burnout the fuel pump prematurely.
These few comments from JDM also helped in my choice to upgrade the fuel pump.
It's a shame you didn't let John the SVT Tech at Hassett Ford do the Fuel Pump for you but I understand you were tired of the long times they held your truck.
Even John the SVT Tech said, this is the pump all the Mustang guys upgrade too, it's a very well know pump in that community.
And these guys run two of them with a dual B.A.P when going over 1000 rwhp.
Now the debate maybe that, "do you need to do this upgrade on your SC Raptor with a stock block?"
That's a tough question and one I can't answer for everyone.
Hopefully after my dyno runs I can expand on this, and give you guys feedback.
One thing that I'm looking for is, we all know that you can add and remove fuel in the SCT software.
But I haven't been able to get a clear answer as to, "can you increase fuel rail pressure and increase duty cycle of the fuel pump using the SCT software?"
Or are there other mechanical upgrades other than just the pump?
And the second question is can the Raptor's stock fuel rails and lines handle said increases.
This would certainly make a difference on using a stronger fuel pump.
I also understand your frustration MetroNYC with your build and the money you have handed out with trial mods.
It's a learning curve for everyone when doing new upgrades and you got into the game early.
This was always one of the reasons I never did LT Headers and most likely never will. Well never is not the right word, If I feel the need a bit more HP all bets are off.
Being that I'm on call 24/7 and my Raptor is my DD, I cannot afford to play around to much.
This was my main reason for doing the pump upgrade, I'm all for doing what I can to make my build as safe as possible.
If I get a second car as a beater then I may play a little bit more.
But I honestly can't see myself driving anything else but my Raptor.