That is a bit interesting.
Tasca has a replacement seal kit. I may pick that up.
Funny enough, the TSB I found out about is for 2011-2013 and I have a 2014. Also, I have not had those leaks until recently. I can’t find broken pieces anywhere either.........
I did get “off the ground” a few times on my last trip, but the window functions fine and I’m not sure how that would make a seal smaller lol.
Tasca has a replacement seal kit. I may pick that up.
Funny enough, the TSB I found out about is for 2011-2013 and I have a 2014. Also, I have not had those leaks until recently. I can’t find broken pieces anywhere either.........
I did get “off the ground” a few times on my last trip, but the window functions fine and I’m not sure how that would make a seal smaller lol.