Having a ham radio (UHV/VHF) radio in the Raptor is for two purposes...
1. To go on most any of the "Raptor runs" that are out there, whether the ones that TRR puts on (Baja, Texas, so forth) or the ones of the Raptor Offroad group, or any others, you have to have one in the truck, and not a hand-held either. The reason is for safety. If you're a hundred miles into the Nevada desert and you wreck or break something, you have to be able to communicate. Most of the groups I've seen require a 50 watt radio, minimum.
2. I'm a bit of a prepper, and ham radio is a necessity for that. In our current SHTF situation, ham radio doesn't mean much, but I live in Washington and if we get the mega 9.0 earthquake everyone says is coming it will be real important then.
I really need to get off my ass and get my ham license....
Makes sense. So the Raptor runs use Ham frequencies to communicate or are there others that don't require a license?