The only contrary I've read is that the ecoboost isn't a real engine. Guys will just drive them to Target, Walmart, Starbucks, the V8 is better etc. Really broad based derogatory and opinionated comments. If there were some substance to the comments then I could consider them. For whatever reason there's quite a bit of animosity toward the new gen II, and those who post any positive comments toward it. Even though this is the '17 section of the board. Strange that guys would waste their time on the '17 board if they don't like it.
Given I've driven a '13 Raptor and a '15 EB F-150, this is how I'm forming my opinion. The EB felt like it had more torque to me. Not sure what the numbers were but it had more off the line power. And that was the regular F-150 Lariat EB. Ford is saying that the engine they're putting in the new one is even better than the old 6.2 and consequently the new F-150 with EB motor. So right now, seat of the pants test tells me that the new regular F-150 has more power than the old gen I Raptor. So the new Gen II should be dialed. Makes me wonder what the hell they were thinking when they put the 6.2 in it as it's not all that fast imo. But that's the march of tech and advancement I guess. It's great to be a consumer these days. Shit just keeps getting better...